Companies |
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Company Name | Contact | Address Line 1 | Address Line 2 | City | State | Zip Code | Email | Website | Phone Number | Cell Phone Number | Comments |
AAA Sealcoating & Paving LLC | John | PO Box 55773 | | Indianapolis | IN | 46205 | | | 317-225-5222 | 317-771-9281 | |
Acme Plumbing, Drain, and Septic | | 3702 N. Shadland Ave. | | Indianapolis | IN | 46226 | | acmeplumbingservice,.com | 317-542-8277 | | |
AES Indiana | | P.O. Box 10 | | Indianapolis | IN | 46206-0110 | | | | | |
Aldi | | 9774 E 116th Street | | Fishers | IN | | | | 888-444-2074 | | |
AllCrete | | 13193 Highland Spring Dr. | | McCordsville | IN | 46055 | | | | | |
Andrea's Garden Center, Inc | Gretchen Bishop | 5412 E. 65th Street | | Indianapolis | IN | 46220 | | | 317-841-3310 | | |
Auto-Owners Insurance | | | | | IN | | | | | | |
Barton Pool Company, LLC | | 6849 Hawthorn Park Drive | | Indianapolis | IN | 46220 | | | 317-735-2323 | | |
Bob's Master Safe & Lock Service | | 8240 E. 96th Street | | Fishers | IN | 46037 | | | 317-783-3861 | | May be out of business |
Bontrager Homes, Inc | Ubiah Bontrager | 8038 Payview Point | | Indianapolis | IN | 46256 | | | | | |